
The MLASA uses its best endeavours to provide available academic and professional resources to all members. In some instances, these resources may not be freely available. In order that the MLASA does not infringe on the copyright of any organisation or author only a link to a particular academic or professional resource may be made available on this website. It is the prerogative of any member wishing to access a particular resource by obtaining that resource in the appropriate manner, forum and at the member’s own expense. 

The MLASA does not accept responsibility or liability for any breach of copyright by any member who obtains academic or professional resources illegally or in an untoward manner whether the link to that resource is available on this website or not.

Applications (including a motivation) for scholarships and bursaries may be addressed via e-mail to:

The Trustees for the time being of the Steven Wallace Maritime Trust

  • Mr. Patrick Holloway
  • Mrs. Leonore Wallace
  • Mrs. Tamryn Simpson

C/O The Chairman of the Trustees
Mr. Patrick Holloway

Donations to the Trust may be made by contacting Tamryn Simpson, the Treasurer of the MLA on e-mail: Tamryn Simpson will then revert to you with the relevant bank details and any further information required.
