National Conference (2024): Presentations

SAVE THE DATE: MLA Conference, 23-25 August 2024


We are delighted to announce that the Maritime Law Association of South Africa will
be hosting our National Conference and AGM over the weekend of 19th – 21st
August 2022 at the Arabella Hotel, Golf & Spa Kleinmond (near Hermanus), Western
Cape. Please save this date, and remember to register your attendance with
conference organisers:

Wedgewood South Africa
Contact person: Tarnia Aspeling
Cell: 071 371 9605

Further details of the precise timing and the programme will be sent out to all
members in due course.


The MLA held a hybrid in-person / online joint chapter event on 15 June 2022. Members of the Durban and Cape chapters gathered at venues in each of those centers, while Johannesburg joined online, and there was a video link between all 3 chapters. Recently-retired Supreme Court of Appeal Judge Malcolm Wallis delivered a persuasive and well-reasoned critique of the full bench decision in World Net Logistics (Pty) Ltd v Donsantel 133 CC and Another 2020 (3) SA 542 (KZP) regarding the Magistrates’ Court’s jurisdiction over maritime claims.

The full bench held, by a two to one majority, that the Magistrates’ Court does not have such jurisdiction, save for the specific claims mentioned in the Merchant Shipping Act. Judge Wallis’s presentation was followed by debate among members as to how this judgment has affected their clients and whether the MLA should take the matter further.

The evening concluded with drinks and snacks at each of the physical venues. The MLA plans to hold many more hybrid and in-person events in the future. The online forum enables us to host international speakers as well, which is an exciting prospect.